Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If you would of only thougth these was wack!!
Now in stores the ken Griffey's is now in stock. the Griffey's come in different colors the popular ones is the blue white and black one you can go outside and you would see 6/10 of the population wearing Griffey's. The newest pairs is the red black and white one. These is good for a day to go to a party and just to chill this sneaker is good to do anything in. People is saying how can a baseball player come out with sneakers the fly out of stock. This is an other pair that is good for the summer to look in good in. May i say they are not that expenisve Griffey's cost about 130 the most. You sould go out and get your self a pair ASAP. I dont have a pair but i would like to get a pair and sooner or later i would get a pair because this sneakers is hot.

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